Arhiv dogodkov
2022 / 2023
“Detektivka skozi čas: Med hiše rokodelcev, trgovcev in ustvarjalcev”
sobota, 10. december 2022
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem in šport Kamnik
“Po sledeh mestne arhitekture in Plečnikovega ustvarjanja v Kamniku ob 150-letnici njegovega rojstva”
sobota, 17. december 2022
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem in šport Kamnik
2021 / 2022
“Po sledeh – skritih – ostankov mestnega obzidja”
sobota, 11. december 2021
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem, šport in kulturo Kamnik
“Od okna do okna, od portala do portala – odkrivanje zgodb znanih Kamničanov za okni in vrati mestnih hiš”
sobota, 18. december 2021
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem, šport in kulturo Kamnik
2020 / 2021
“Znameniti Kamničani: dediščina preteklosti je dota prihodnosti”
sobota, 12. december 2020, od 10:00 do 12:30
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem, šport in kulturo Kamnik
“Božično-praznični Kamnik: včeraj in danes”
sobota, 19. december 2020, od 10:00 do 12:30
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem, šport in kulturo Kamnik
“Kamniške zgradbe in njihovi čari”
sobota, 19. december 2020, od 15:30 do 18:00
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem, šport in kulturo Kamnik
“Iskanje kamniških draguljev”
sobota, 22. avgust 2020, od 09:30 do 11:30
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem, šport in kulturo Kamnik
“Zabavno, sproščeno, igrivo popoldne na notranjem dvorišču stare meščanske hiše”
sobota, 22. avgust 2020, od 17:00 do 19:00
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem, šport in kulturo Kamnik
2019/ 2020
“Kamnik in okolica v očeh tukaj živečih tujih predavateljev Jezikovne šole ITA”
sobota, 21. december 2019, od 10:30 do 12:30
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem, šport in kulturo Kamnik
“Božič in novo leto v državah tukaj živečih tujih predavateljev Jezikovne šole ITA”
sobota, 21. december 2019, od 15:30 do 17:30
V sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem, šport in kulturo Kamnik
2018 / 2019
Poletna šola učenja in izboljšanja znanja angleškega in nemškega jezika 2019
Veseli nas, da vam tudi letos lahko ponudimo poletni program angleščine za »ukaželjne« otroke med 6. in 15. letom starosti. Novost v tem letu pa je poletni program nemščine, prav tako za otroke med 6. in 15. letom starosti. Programa bosta temeljila na sproščujočem, toda zelo učinkovitem načinu izboljšanja njihovega znanja tujega jezika. Vsebovala bosta številne jezikovne dejavnosti v učilnici in zunaj nje, v središču Kamnika in v okolici. Vse to bo povezano s športnimi dejavnostmi, igrami, pohodništvom, sprehodi v naravi, kuhanjem, plavanjem, odbojko, orientacijskim tekom … in seveda s sladoledom!
Celotni program poletne šole bo v angleškem oz. v nemškem jeziku z »native speaker« učitelji. Za pomoč pri razumevanju bomo na razpolago tudi slovenski učitelji. Učenje bo potekalo na zabaven in interaktiven način, izhajali bomo iz vsakdanjih situacij. Tovrsten pristop, po naših večletnih izkušnjah, daje najboljše rezultate. Otroci se sprostijo in spregovorijo. Tudi letos smo se odločili, da se osredotočimo na enodnevne programe. Otroci bodo prisotni od 9. do 16. ure. To je 7 ur jezikovnega sodelovanja v angleščini oz. nemščini na dan!
Summer school days for learning and improving English – 2019
The language school ITA d.o.o. is very pleased to offer this year a summer school programme for interested children, aged 6 to 15, which will be based upon a relaxed but very efficient way of improving their English language skills. The programme will include a number of learning activities in and out of the classroom, sporting activities, games, hiking, nature walks and ice cream!
Learn and improve your English, and have fun!
Our summer school programme will take place partly in and mostly outside of the classroom! However, that does not mean that we will not be learning! The entire summer school programme will be conducted in English by the English native speaker. For those children that are at a lower level with their English, support will be provided in their native language. Learning will take place in a fun and interactive manner which will cover everyday situations – the most relevant and useful way to learn a language! Each child will most definitely improve their English language skills, in such an environment giving them a wonderful head start to the new school year 2019-2020!
The Summer school programme is suitable for children 6 to 15 years of age. All children of all ages and capability will be accommodated for – Slovene teachers will be present. Numerous Summer school day programmes will be available during the month of August 2019 (each day from 9am to 4pm).
This year we have decided to focus attention on DAILY programmes! The children will come in the mornings at 9 o’clock and stay until mid-to-late afternoon (at 4 o’clock) – over 7 hours of English language interaction per day! The children will learn and refine their English through participation of games, singing, sport, discovering nature and other activities. Learning takes place not only in the classroom, but in also in nature in and around the Kamnik area.
About the programme
The language school ITA d.o.o. is very pleased to offer this year a summer school programme for interested children, aged 6 to 15, which will be based upon a relaxed but very efficient way of improving their English language skills. The programme will include a number of learning activities in and out of the classroom, sporting activities, games, hiking, nature walks and ice cream!
Learn and improve your English, and have fun!
Our summer school programme will take place partly in and mostly outside of the classroom! However, that does not mean that we will not be learning! The entire summer school programme will be conducted in English by the English native speaker. For those children that are at a lower level with their English, support will be provided in their native language. Learning will take place in a fun and interactive manner which will cover everyday situations – the most relevant and useful way to learn a language! Each child will most definitely improve their English language skills, in such an environment giving them a wonderful head start to the new school year 2019-2020!
The Summer school programme is suitable for children 6 to 15 years of age. All children of all ages and capability will be accommodated for – Slovene teachers will be present. Numerous Summer school day programmes will be available during the month of August 2019 (each day from 9am to 4pm).
This year we have decided to focus attention on DAILY programmes! The children will come in the mornings at 9 o’clock and stay until mid-to-late afternoon (at 4 o’clock) – over 7 hours of English language interaction per day! The children will learn and refine their English through participation of games, singing, sport, discovering nature and other activities. Learning takes place not only in the classroom, but in also in nature in and around the Kamnik area.
Additional activities include cooking (making pizza, bread, cakes and cookies), swimming, nature walking, hiking, volleyball, archery, kite flying and orienteering, just to mention a few.
Poletje z ruščino in španščino
Poletne počitnice so lahko odlična priložnost, da otroci in mladostniki spoznajo tudi tiste tuje jezike, ki jih ne slišijo pogosto. Tečajniki se bodo seznanili s posebnostmi ruskega in španskega jezika, državami, v katerih se jezika uporabljata, abecedo, zanimivimi oddajami…Poleg jezikovnih dejavnosti bomo dodali še druge aktivnosti, kot so: šport, intelektualne igre, risanje…
Enotedenski poletni tečaj ruskega in španskega jezika je namenjen učencem od 4. do 9. razreda in dijakom srednjih šol.